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Advertising & Sponsorships


The ministry of Fuse relies on the generous donations of individuals and businesses throughout the northeast.  The following are ways you can help support this Christ-centered ministry and at the same time increase awareness for your organization or event.  For more information on any of the opportunities below, contact Brian Sawyer at


  • Website Partner - Help keep the site the place people go in the northeast to find out what's going on and when their favorite artists are coming to their area.  Our events page postes Christian events from all over the Northeast (not just Fuse events) so there is always something new posted.  As a thank you for your partnership & donation, we'll include your organization's logo in the footer of the site (the black bar at the bottom of the screen) so it's viewable no matter what page you are viewing.  Logos must be white on black and can be linked to the page of your choice.  

  • Email Newsletter Partner - Include your logo and link on every email newsletter sent out to thousands of opt-in email addresses interested in Christian concerts and events. 

  • Webstite Banner Ads - Short term & long term banner ad placements are also available to gain exposure for your organization or event.  There are multiple size and placement options available so contact us for details.  

  • Event Sponsorship & Underwriting - The objective is simple: the more events we bring to the Norteast the more potential souls are won for the Kingdom!  These events have proven time after time to be great ways to reach people with the news of Jesus Christ as well as encouraging believers in our communities.  Event sponsorships help offset costs and are available for most of our events and include opportunities such as logo inclusion on event posters and website, stage time at the event to let the crowd know about your organization, and booth space at the event.  Or you can underwrite the entire cost of the event and make it free for all to attend!  Sponsorship and underwirting details and opportunities vary by event so contact if you're interested and we'll fill you in on the details.  


Contact Brian Sawyer at for more details and additioanl opportunities. 


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