Connect Festival: An Outreach Tool

Sometimes I'm afraid that we're missing the point of Connect Festival. It's my fault really. We spend so much of our "marketing efforts" trying to show how much fun the festival is and what great bands and speakers will be at the festival. All of that is true, but that's not the reason we put on this festival year after year. When I'm lucky enough to be invited to a church for morning worship and am given a few minutes to talk about the festival to each congregation, I don't talk much about how cool the event is going to be or why people of the church should attend. Instead I talk about the oppurtunity the festival gives us as believers to share the love of Christ in a new and exciting way!
We're all surrounded by family, friends, neighbors, coworkers that don't go to church. Think about it, on your way to church on Sunday morning how many of your neighbors are out doing yard work? How busy is the grocery store that you pass on your way with people doing their weekly shopping instead of heading to church? New England is one of the most "unchurched" areas in the entire country and if we're being honest, how often do we think about inviting the people we're connected with to church or sharing our faith with them? Isn't that what we're called to do?
The last few weeks when talking with "church-goers" at local churches I've bluntly told them that I need them as belivers to come and support Connect Festival so we can continue this ministry, but they're not my target audience. My hope and prayer for Connect Festival is that it be used by the church to reach the lost. We've seen it happen and hear stories every year of how a simple invite to a music festival helped spark a visit to church or better yet, a relationship with Jesus!
So my challenge to you is to think about the people in your life that could use Jesus' love and invite them to Connect Festival. How easy is it to go up to your neighbor and say "Hey, I have this extra ticket to a music festival. Would you like to go?". Have your kids invite their friends and when your coworker asks if you have anything fun planned for the weekend tell them you're going to Connect Festival and they should come along too!
As a thank you for taking my challenge so we don't miss another opportunity to expand God's Kingdom here in the Northeast, I'd like to offer you $4 off each ticket you order using the promo code KINGDOM at check out. Please be in prayer about how you can use Connect Festival in your circle of "connections" this year!
Brian Sawyer
Founder, Connect Festival