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The NEXT Big Connect Festival Announcement

The response we received after making our first big announcement regarding the future of Connect Festival was overwhelming! I can't begin to tell you how much your words of encouragement, donations, and prayers have meant. For those of you who missed the first big announcement click here to read all about it, but in a nutshell we announced that we're making Connect Festival a true outreach event by making tickets available for free to everyone!

Since that first big announcement back in February we've been working hard to confirm some additional details about the next festival. Most importantly when and where the festival will take place. I'm happy to say we have those details for you now! Le's start with the "when" and then we'll get to the "where".

WHEN: The next Connect Festival will take place on Saturday, September 8th 2018. This is about a month earlier than we've held the festival in the past (formerly took place the first weekend in October). We feel that the earlier date will increase our chances for warm pleasant weather.

Why 2018 and not 2017? There's a lot to do between now and September 2018 to get ready for the festival. We've always relied on ticket sales to fund the festival and we still plan on producing the same premier festival experience so the next year will be spent spreading the word about this evangelical opportunity and raising the funds necessary for making it free for all to attend.

WHERE: After looking at multiple venue options in the end we decided on the Cape Cod Fairgrounds in Falmouth, MA! Home to the Barnstable County Fair each July, the fairgrounds offer 100 acres of beautiful outdoor space and thousands of square feet of indoor space as well. We'll have room to grow for years to come!

We hope you're as excited about this as we are! September is my favorite time of year to be on the cape! We hope you'll make plans to join us on September 8, 2018 and even make a weekend out of it and visit one of our Cape Cod church partners, camp on-site, and maybe even spend the following day at one of the cape's famous beaches!

We'd love to hear your thoughts. Feel free to email us at or post on our Facebook page!

Stay tuned for more details on the festival and our fundraising efforts!

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